Saturday, January 3, 2009


Jocelyn is fascinated with shoes. Anyone's shoes. She loves putting them on and then immediately taking them off. She also loves to wear Grandma's or my shoes. We usually were ones we can just slip on and off so they are easy for her to wear and walk around in. My mom recently bought a pair of slippers for her and another pair for me. These are what Jocelyn is wearing below. Well only one of them.

She can't figure out why there is a string on the shoe and she is trying to get it off. Maybe she is smarter and is already trying to tie her shoes. Don't grow up so fast. Slow down pleeeeaaasssse.

I can't believe it but today Jocelyn took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I have never known her to take such a long nap. I was actually able to read a few chapters in my new book . Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood. She is a terriffic author if you like romance/mysteries. I highly reccommend her.


lillian08 said...

Look at that PRECIOUS SWEETIE! She's so smart Renee!
xo, Jen

Stephanie and Jamie said...

You have been tagged! Check my blog!
Love- Steph.