Saturday, January 10, 2009

21 Months old today.....

I found this poem while waiting for Jocelyn and it spoke to my heart because it is so true. She was "The Chosen One" for me by God. He knew the perfect daughter for me and knew that I was going to have to wait for 4 years to meet her because she hadn't been born yet. I think he was also trying to teach me patience as he knew that as a mom I was going to need lots of it. Believe me Jocelyn was definitely worth the long wait. She is the perfect daughter for me. Thank you God for the gift of Jocelyn's birth 21 months ago today. I will treasure her always.

1 comment:

lillian08 said...

We're a little late... but happy 21-month Birthday sweet Jocelyn!
Jenny, Danny and Lilli