Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Budding Artist.....

These pictures were taken this past Sunday after church. Jocelyn loves to color and when Grandma bought some colored pencils Jocelyn has been trying to use them. I decided to buy her some of her own and a Doodle Pad to see what she would do. She loves them!! She is concentrating to hard.

Thanks mommy for the colored pencils and paper.

What should I draw? A dog, a cat. I know I will draw a picture for mommy!!!

The MASTERPIECE is finished!!!

Jocelyn got the box of Elmo bandaids and covered her "owies". She used all but two of the bandaids. Of course she really has no "owies" but you can't tell her that.

Please be in prayer for Lily (another little girl adopted at the same time as Jocelyn) as she has the chicken pox and is pretty itchy. Let's pray that her chicken pox heal quickly

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wake up you sleepyhead.....

The pictures below were taken about 2 weeks ago. Jocelyn is usually up before me most of the time so I never get to watch her sleeping. When I went into her room to get ready for the day she was still asleep. This made such a cute picture that I had to go get my camera. Don't you agree???

Why did you have to wake me mommy? I was sleeping so good.

Ok mommy that is ENOUGH pictures. I haven't even combed my hair or washed my face yet.

The blankie is still with us and seems like it always will be. It is her pacifier. Do any other girls have a security item that they hold on too???
Potty training is DONE. Jocelyn still wears pullups at night and during nap and we are starting to have days where they ar e dry when she gets up.
I am amazed daily at how much she is growing up and learning new things every second. Two days ago we were working on our numbers and I was using my fingers to show them and she counted to ten by herself for the first time. I was soooo impressed. We have been working on them for a while with little or no success. She just needed for mommy to be patient.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hide and Seek....

As you can imagine with our three dogs and with my brothers dog Mija in the house anytime there was food around they were all right there. Jocelyn wanted to eat her "fut nak" (fruit snack) in peace so she went and tried to hide from the dogs. I thought that this was so cute that I had to take some pictures.

You found me!!!

We had another milestone happen at our house! Jocelyn woke up this morning with a dry pull-up for the first time. She then went and immediately got on the potty. We may not even have to buy any pull-ups at our house anymore. Horray!! Hooray!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


My brother Rob and my nephew Lee came to visit us this weekend. They live in the state of Georgia. This is the first time my brother has gotten to see Jocelyn other than pictures. As you can see she went to uncle Rob with just a little prodding. My brother thought she was so cute and full of energy. I think he as forgotten as his little one turns 13 this December. She is showing her "cool man" pose. (Notice the thumbs of both of them)

This is my nephew Lee, (the soon to be teenager) . He had Jocelyn full out laughing 10 minutes after he arrived. She now says "were eee, were eee" (Where's Lee?)

They also brought their dog Mija. So that means that there are four dogs at our house right now. Boy is it crowded!!

We are still doing really well in the potty training arena. We have only had one accident and that is because I didn't get the bathroom door opened soon enough. Today Dee (our babysitter) said that Jocelyn even had a dry pullup after her nap today!!
Her scabies have gotten much better and she is no longer nearly as itchy as she was. Her back is clearing up and we are so happy!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy.....

We had a very busy weekend last weekend. Friday night was game night at church. Of course Jocelyn was the hit of the party. We helped Aunt Betty put together a puzzle, and just played and had fun. Saturday morning we ran errands and then Saturday afternoon we had a birthday party to go to for Jocelyn's good buddy TJ. He turned 3 and we had a good time. Great food too. On Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 pm we had a back to school carnival at our church with games and food. They also had an inflatible jumping room. As you can see Jocelyn loved it!!

Oops, I don't think that I was supposed to fall down. Oh well it sure is fun!!

They also had face painters. Jocelyn sat still and was great while the lady painted her face. She was a little scared at first. She wasn't sure what to expect but she went with the flow.

Like my two Happy faces???

On the potty training front. We have now gone four days in big girl panties with no accidents. I am sooooo proud of my daughter that I can't tell you.
On a bad note the rash that Jocelyn has on her back (for 3 weeks now) was getting a little bit better while on the antibiotics that the doctor put her on but started spreading like wildfire the last 2 days. The itching is constant. I ended up taking her to urgent care last night as I couldn't get her back in to the doctor due to the holiday weekend. The doctor at urgent care said that she has scabies. I had never heard of it before, but apparently there is a mite (the size of 5 mm) that burrows under the skin and lays 3 eggs and "poops" under the skin. We are allergic to the poop and this causes the itching and when the eggs hatch they in turn burrow under the skin and do the same thing so it is a continuous cycle. I have a cream that I put on her last night and again tonight that will kill the mites. Unfortunately it could take up to four weeks before the itching stops for her. Please pray for Jocelyn's itching and rash to have a quick and speedy recovery.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Jocelyn loves her bath and has to have every bath toy she owns in the tub with her. She has started becoming Miss Independent. She wants to do everything by herself. She has now figured out how to get her hair wet so that we can wash her hair. As she says "I do it".

Here is the after picture.

Proof that she has to have every bath toy she owns in the tub with her.

On the potty training front we had our first day in our big girl panties with no accidents. The only time Jocelyn has a pullup on is during her nap and at bedtime. She is now telling me when she has to go potty and we are making it to the potty in time. I think that we are almost done with potty training. HOORAY!! HOORAY!!
Stay tuned for posts from our busy weekend!!