Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jocelyn's First Halloween...

Here we are at home leaving to go to Antioch Bible Baptist's Church's Trunk or Treat. It was perfect weather.

We are now walking to get our place in line at Trunk or Treat. There were so many people !!!

Don't I look cute in my antenna's? I can't get them to stick straight up though.

Grandma and me. She is trying to make me smile or laugh for the picture by sticking out her tongue but I was too busy checking out all the other costumes. Mine was the best.

Mama was able to get one picture of most of my costume without me having my blankie or crying. I have to make mama happy once in a while. Don't I?

I got alot of candy and had a lot of fun. We went out to eat at Perkin's before I could have any candy though. I might try Trunk or Treat again next year.


lillian08 said...

SOOOOOoooooo Cute!! Sounds like Jocelyn had a great Halloween!
She made a beautiful ladybug indeed!!!

Kevin and Kim said...

I love that costume!! It looks very warm and cozy!!

She looks like she had a great time and she looked adorable!