Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy 8 Month Gotcha Day Anniversary...

Today is the 8 month anniversary of Jocelyn's Gothca Day. It is hard to belive that 8 months ago today I held my daughter for the first time. I got to hear her laugh for the first time. I got to hear her cry for the first time. I fell in love for a lifetime. She has changed so much in those eight months. I have changed so much in those eight months. She was in 12 month clothes at that time now she is in 24 month clothes. I was having to carry her everywhere at that time and how she walks (make that runs) everywhere. It seems like yesterday and in other ways it seems a lifetime ago. As one of my travel to China sisters Kimberly said "I would not trade these last eight months for anything"

Now on to some "funny business". A couple of days ago I stated how Jocelyn was pulling her pants down at daycare. Last night at home she started doing that again. Of course I ran to get the camera and take pictures. Maybe I should have got on to her instead but it was so funny I couldn't help it. Here is is standing up after she tried to pull up her pants. As you can see she hasn't quite mastered that task yet. I also noticed in the picture that her Mongolian spot is starting to fade away. The doctors said it should be completely gone by the time she is 3 to 5.

She decided that the task of pulling up her pants was hard work and she needed to take a siesta. As you can see the blankie is never far away.

Happy 8 Month Gotcha Day Anniversary to all in Travel Group 132.


Kevin and Kim said...

Happy 8 months to you as well!! I still can remember every second of walking across that street from our it was yesterday!

The pictures are very cute!!

lillian08 said...

Yeaaaaaye! Happy 8th Month Gotcha Day to you too!!
I'm reminiscing, just like Kimberly... remembering that rainy walk... crossing that busy street with our daughters finally in our arms... I'm savoring that moment, as well as the time I got to spend with you in China, my friend!
Love to you & Miss Jocelyn,