Friday, November 21, 2008

Dishwashers and Old Man Winter....

Jocelyn has decided that she is suppoed to help me unload the dishwasher. I have allowed her (after I take the sharp knives out) to unload the silverware and put it away. She thinks that this is fun. Just wait until you are older Jocelyn and see how fun you think it is when it is one of your responsibilities. As you can see below she is unloading the silverware.

Here she is "putting it away". Actually she just dumps all of it in the drawer and I then seperate it into the right compartments. She can just barely "put the silverware away".

Now on to Old Man Winter. Here in Missouri the temperatures are in the 30's and it is COLD. I have had to break out Jocelyn's hat and gloves within the last week to a week and a half. She does not like the hat and cries when I put it on her but after a while she is ok with it until we get inside then it is to come off. I snapped this picture tonight at Wal-mart. She was buckled in and couldn't try to put her face to the camera as is usual for her. I think she is ADORABLE in her hat. Don't you?????


Stephanie and Jamie said...

She is definitely adorable in the hat and coat! How cute she is! The pictures look so familiar. Our girls are such good helpers!
Have a great weekend!

lillian08 said...

What a helpful little girl! I am impressed!!! Lilli has no desire to help me with the dishes, although she will pick up her toys if I sing Barney's "clean-up" song.
Jocelyn looks so beautiful in that deep purple color... and her hair looks like it's growing in the silverware pictures too!!! Hairbows here we come! Wooo-hoo!