Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thankful Tuesday...

Today I am thankful for my mom. She is the best mom in the world. She is loving, understanding, has a good sense of humor, Baptist, and patient just to name a few of her many great qualities. She has backed my decision to adopt 100% and has never waivered in her support. I have come to rely on her guidance with any questions that I have about being a first time mother. She will offer advice but leaves the final decision up to me. We have had a tough year and a half since we lost my dad to pancreatic cancer June 15, 2007. We have come out the other side and are able to smile and laugh again. We can also now talk about my dad and smile or chuckle at the memories that brings back.

I couldn't ask for a more loving and wonderful Grandmother for Jocelyn than the one she has. When you ask Jocelyn where her Grandma is she will run to her when she sees her. Jocelyn LOVES her Grandma.

Yesterday Jocelyn was 19 months old. I will post a new picture of mamas China doll to reflect her becoming a month older soon.

Please remember to thank God for your parents. They can be gone at any moment. Remember to tell them what they mean to you and how much you love them as often as you can. You never know when it will be the last time.

Jocelyn has learned a new word today. Buba (bubble). She is learning new words so fast.

1 comment:

lillian08 said...

I thank God EVERYDAY for my parents... they are my rock!
I remember our conversations in China about your Dad. I know how much you miss him and I'm certain he is so very proud of the Mommy that you have become!! Jocelyn has a very special angel in Heaven watching over her.
You are blessed to have such a supportive Mom! I know you love her very much... and so does Jocelyn!
God love you Renee... and so do I!