Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thankful Tuesday's

If my travel to China sister Jen D doesn't mind I would like to borrow one of her ideas to say what we are thankful for one day of the week. I think that I will use Tuesday's. So you may be wondering what I am thankful for and the answer is dimples. Why may you ask is the answer dimples? Because the only time that I see Jocelyn's dimples is when she has a full smile on her face or is having a good belly laugh. In other words she is happy and full of life and knows that she is loved and cherished. Unfortunately right now she is battling a cold and is not feeling well so we are seeing less of the dimples right now. But I know that soon they will come back full force and once again I will remember to thank God for dimples.


lillian08 said...

I don't mind... borrow away! I too borrowed the idea from a blog friend. :o)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those dimples!! What a precious photo!!

Stephanie and Jamie said...

How precious! I love that picture! Lily is dealing with a cold right now, too- one that keeps coming back over and over again.
I might have to steal this idea, too!!!