Sunday, October 12, 2008

Growing Up and Jingle Jars

At church we have what we refer to as a Jingle Jar. It is a 5 gallon glass jug that we have sitting in a wooden stand that we put what "jingles" in our pockets namely quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies in there. We then use this money to buy what is needed for the church. Jocelyn's Sunday School class gives their offering via the jingle jar that is located in the foyer of our church. The kids form a single file line and take the money and put it in the jingle jar. Of course Jocelyn has to be lifted up to put her money in. If she sees me while they are in the foyer she will start crying and come to me to pick her up and hold her. Well, today for the first time when she saw me she ran to me and gave me a kiss (this is also new for her she was always the receiver and not the giver) and when I told her that she needed to go back to class with Mrs. Betty she walked to Mrs. Betty and gave her her hand and went to class. I was so proud and sad at the same time. She is growing up way too fast.


lillian08 said...

This is WONDEFUL!!! I am so excited that you have entered blogland!! Woooo-hoooo! I am going to put you on my bloglist and chech in often!!!! :o)

Stephanie and Jamie said...

We are so excited that you have a blog, too! I am going to put you on bloglist, too!
How awesome to see Jocelyn! I cannot wait to see her growing up through your pictures and your stories. By the way, I LOVE your blog name! Wish I would have thought of that!
Stephanie, Jamie, and Lily