Friday, October 17, 2008

7 Months Ago Today....

Today is the 7 month anniversary of Jocelyn's Gotcha Day. It is hard to believe that Jocelyn has been with me for 7 months already. In some ways it seems like yesterday and in other ways it seems that we have always been together. This is the one of the first pictures of Jocelyn that I received. I can't believe how much she has changed in just 7 months. I'm also amazed each day how much stronger my love for her grows.

I remember the first time I got to hold Jocelyn and smell her and touch her. It is a memory that I will never forget and I know that the other "Forever Families" made on that day will never forget it either.

Update on Jocelyn's cold. She has a very runny nose and is starting to cough so maybe the cold is starting to break up and go on its merry way.

Happy 7 Month Gotcha Day Anniversary to all in travel group 132.

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