Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mommy's Bra.......

As you can tell by the title of the post Jocelyn found my bra one day and decided that she needed to wear it for a while. She kept putting the straps over her head and taking it off. She did this for quite a while and it was so cute that I had to take at least a couple of pictures. (Blackmail for later you know). She would get so upset if she couldn't get the straps over her head. I had to help her a couple times.

What a workout. I need to sit down and relax. Maybe push the buttons on the toy next to me and listen to some music and just chill.

By the way happy belated 9 month gotcha day anniversary to all of travel group 132.

Please pray for us tomorrow as the weather here is freezing rain and the temperatures are below freezing so the travel to and from work tomorrow will be dicey. Please pray for the safety of all of the people who venture out and for Jocelyn and I.


Kevin and Kim said...

Too funny about the bra!! She will love these pictures one day - LOL!

Hope the weather gets better....I too hated driving in it!!

Happy Gotcha anniversary!

lillian08 said...

So funny Renee! These will be the pics to pull out when her first boyfriend comes home to meet ya'!
I forgot all about our 9 month anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you too!
Praying for your safe travels...

Stephanie and Jamie said...

Merry Christmas from the 3 of us!