Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bathtime and Tantrums.....

"Not more bathtime photos mama PLEASE." I can't resist though. It is the only time when her hair isn't sticking straight in the air. She is so adorable and smells so good after her bath.

Jocelyn doesn't like to have her hair (what few hairs that there are) washed. She is finally starting to make the shampoo lather after I put it on her head. This only lasts about 5 seconds. Progress I know.

Jocelyn has had some pretty good temper tantrums the last 2 days. We have had to use many time outs. I think she has hit the terrible twos early as she won't be two until April 10. I was hoping for later rather than earlier. Maybe this means I will be done with the terrible twos early (Well I can dream can't I).


Stephanie and Jamie said...

She is too precious in her bath! Tantrums.... hmmmm... You know Lily had those for awhile at the beginning of the school year. But, now they have completely gone away. We were beside ourselves trying to figure out what to do, but we just prayed and prayed-- and they just stopped. Let us know if you have any good advice because I am sure they will be back!
Thank you for your prayers!!

lillian08 said...

Oh what a pretty, CLEAN girl!
Sorry about the tantrums. Lilli has pulled a few of those too. They are just exercisinbg their demands to see how much they can get away with!!
What can we say... our girls are just "advanced" hitting the terrible 2's early. My best friend has informed me that the 2's are actually the terrible 3's... so we have many more years of tantrums to look forward to. wooo-hooo!

Kevin and Kim said...

Very cute bath pictures!!

Hannah too is starting with a few tantrums...not full blown yet, but she pouts and flails her arms in frustration and grunts - LOL!

I am also very sorry about your grandfather's passing. I've been away from blog land recently, and I missed your previous posts. I hope your family is doing okay.

the mommy said...

It looks like we are all in the same boat. Sophia too is now throughing tantrums. If we make her do something she does not want to do or stop doing something that she should not be doing. She is strong willed and if there is something that she wants she lets us know it. I would love any advice on how to handle the tantrums. And yes from what I hear from all my friends who have children 3 is worse then 2 for this sort of behavior...I guess it is a good thing we have each other to lean on..