Friday, December 26, 2008

Jocelyn's First Christmas.....

Finally I remembered to post pictures of our Christmas tree. Jocelyn and I made one of the four paper chains on the tree. She got bored after we got one done so mama did the other 3 and put them on the tree. I know you can't see it real well but the white heart ornament between the 2 chains is a rememberance ornament for my dad who passed away in June of 2007. I know he was there with us.

Christmas Eve after Jocelyn had gone to bed I brought up the presents from their hiding place downstairs and put them under the tree.

We decided to open one present on Christmas Eve and Jocelyn opened one of the presents she got from Aunt Betty and Uncle Phil. It is a doll that coos and fusses until you feed it from it's bottle or put the pacifier in her mouth. Jocelyn LOVES it. She has been giving her kisses, hugs, and rocking her. She doesn't let her out of her site for very long. She is such a good mama.

Here we are Christmas morning at 6 am. Yes 6 am. Jocelyn decided to wake up at 5:30. We have a tradition at our house that we eat breakfast before opening presents and we usually have cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. Sorry this picture isn't the best.

After we read the Christmas story from the Bible we then open our stockings. We use decorated Christmas sacks. Jocelyn loves goldfish so we made sure that we had some of those in her stockings.

Jocelyn loved tearing the wrapping paper off. Of course she put it in a neat pile next to her. Who she learned that from I don't know. It definitely wasn't me.

I got a Little People Barn. Whoo-Hoo!!

More presents to unwrap. She had more fun ripping the wrapping paper off the presents than what the present was.

I got the best present of all. Just look below.

What a busy day we had. Jocelyn fell asleep in her highchair while we were eating lunch. She was exhausted. She slept for 2 hours.

My mom is the best that there ever was. She looked for about 4 months for a special gift for Jocelyn from her Grandpa Bob. My dad always talked about how he thought Jocelyn would have long, straight, and black hair that could be braided or put in pony tails. So my mom bought Jocelyn a sterling silver comb, brush and mirror set. She had her initials engraved on each piece. She then bought a card for a grandaughter and said how happy he was that she was here and how much he wanted to meet her but that when he knew that he wouldn't live long enough he asked Grandma to make sure that she got the set and let her know that her Grandpa Bob loves her and always will. I cried for about 5 minutes and am crying as I type this. Praise God for my wonderful family.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.


Stephanie and Jamie said...

It sounds like you had a memorable Christmas. The present from your Dad (and Mom) is so sweet. I know that someday Jocelyn will treasure it greatly.
Lily got a Little People Barn, too!

the mommy said...

Christmas was very special for all of us this year. I am so excited to hear that Jocelyn is from Wanzai. I had to come right over and let you know that I just read your comment on our blog. Meeting Jamie, Stephanie and Lily was such fun. If you are ever in Florida let us know. We would love to meet an other Wanzai family. :)

lillian08 said...

Wow! What a wonderful day you had... and sweet Jocelyn was truly worn plum out! I love the picture of her in the high chair!!
Your Mom is such a great Grandma to find that special gift from your Dad. I know he would have pick out the same for her... he was certainly there in spirit, just as you said!!
So funny that Lily & Jocelyn got the Little People Barn... our Lilli got one as well!!! :o)
Great minds thing alike! Lilli LOVES Little People. Can play with them for hours!

Kevin and Kim said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Your tree was very pretty and I love the picture Jocelyn with the bow on her head...too cute!! She really seemed to enjoy the day!

Happy New Year!