Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy 1 year Gotcha Day Anniversary...

One year ago today I got to hold Jocelyn for the first time. I got to comfort her for the first time. I got to physically touch her for the first time. I got to give her a kiss for the first time. I got to feed her for the first time. I even got to change her diaper for the first time. I will never forget Gotcha day. I is burned in my mind forever. When Jocelyn was given to me for the first time she looked at me with a scared look in her eye and then started crying. Nobody in that room had a dry eye. When we got back to the hotel room and unlayered her and got her something to eat she was a happy baby. She was so worn out from all of the excitement that she fell asleep a little while later and slept the whole night through. This is the first picture I have of Jocelyn sleeping. She looks so content and happy but most of all she is loved soooo much.

We decided to celebrate the anniversary by going out to breakfast with a friend of the family Maureen and her husband Bill. We had biscuts and gravy. Yum Yum. Then I had to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. Jocelyn fell asleep on the way to the dentists so she and Grandma stayed in the truck while I was with the dentist. Then my mom and I got our hair cut. After dropping my mom off at home Jocelyn and I went to a park just down the road from our house and had a good time swinging.

And blowing bubbles...

And going down the slide..
And riding the pony..

Most of all just enjoying the day together as the family we have become.
Happy 1 year Gotcha Day Anniversary to all of Travel Group 132!!!


Kevin and Kim said...

Happy one year Gotcha!! I will never ever forget that day...from the walk over to the office in the spitting rain and like you talked about, the first moments back in the room with our girls...finally being a mommy! What wonderful memories and more to come!

Love the pictures of her outside...she has surely grown this past year and is a beautiful girl!


Kim :)

the mommy said...

Happy Gotcha Day.. It is amazing how time has gone by so quickly. The pictures are great and Jocelyn is a beautiful little girl..


Pat Casteen said...

Hey Renee and Jocelyn

Happy Gotcha Day Anniversary! Wish you both could have been with us on Tuesday, too. We had a great time. Jocelyn certainly has grown and she is a very beautiful little girl. Take care.

Lots of love

Pat, Ronnie and Isabella