Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Puddin face......

My mom gave Jocelyn an individual container of chocolate pudding and she loved it. She decided that the spoon wasn't fast enough so she put the container up to her mouth hence the circle of pudding on her face and nose.

I can do this mama.

See I told you. Oh no I am spilling some on my dress!
What makes you think I need a bath mama? I'm not dirty and its not bedtime yet. As you can see we have an Elmo bathtoy that she has to have every night when we take our bath.

The after picture. Doesn't she look fresh and clean?

Jocelyn has learned so much in the "short" time I have had her. But she has taught me even more. The meaning of love and joy and yes even sometimes frustration and what I can do when I get little or no sleep. But you know what I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world as it is priceless.
God bless.

1 comment:

lillian08 said...

I love this post... & what a beautiful pudding face!!!
Lots of love to you and Jocelyn.
Happy Valentine's Day!