Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jocelyn and her man.....

We had to take my mom do the doctor this morning and guess what? She has bronchitis AGAIN. This is the third time in a month. While my mom was with the doctor Jocelyn and I were in the waiting room. She asked to be put in the chair and then said book. I got her one and she was so intent in "reading" that I had to snap a few pictures. She just looks so grown up in these pictures.

She kept pointing to the pictures of gogs or dogs as you and I call them.

What does this say mama?
I can do this by myself mama!


This is last night as Jocelyn was getting ready for bed. Guess the picture says it all. Elmo is her new best bud.


Stephanie and Jamie said...

She and Lily will have to fight over that new man! Ha ha. Lily loves him, too! Her best friend is Abby Cadabby, though. Jocelyn looks so cute reading her books at the doctor's office. Quite grown up, indeed!

lillian08 said...

I think Lily, Lilli and Jocelyn would have a three way fight over that new man! Elmo is pretty much the only thing I hear from sun up to sun down! :o)Precious pictures...
xo, Jen