Sunday, October 11, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since I last blogged but we have had quite a round of sickness in our household lately. First I got sick the last week of September with what they thought may be the H1N1 flu. The test came back negative!! PRAISE GOD!! It took me a good 5 days before I felt close to normal. Jocelyn then came down with a bad case of diarrhea that lasted for 3 days. I called the doctor and he said that as long as she wasn't running a temp and was eating and drinking ok that we could only wait it out. He also suggested that I put Jocelyn on the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast (dry)) diet and no dairy products at all. That was ok because these are some of her favorites. We only gave her Gatorade and water to drink. That helped also and we have no more diarrhea! Again PRAISE GOD!! Jocelyn is starting to use 4 to 5 word sentences. The other day she told me "mommy watch" and she did a somersalt all on her own. I guess one of the girls at her daycare was doing them and Jocelyn copied her. There is no way that her mommy taught her as she can't do one. She is a SPONGE!!!

Thank you for your prayers for Lily (a girl adopted at the same time as Jocelyn). Her chicken pox are cleared up and she is doing well.

Jocelyn and her beh-beh.


Stephanie and Jamie said...

Glad to hear that things are much better at your house than they were. I am glad that you didn't have that flu. It wiped out half of my class. Thank you so much for the prayers for Lily. She is finally well for the first time in such a long time! It is nice to have her healthy.
Did I tell you that we have this book called Love You Like Crazy Cakes. It tells the story of a child adopted from China. I have changed the story so it fits us when I read it to her. Now, on the page with the babies in the cribs- she points to the babies and says "Jocelyn, Marah, Lily, and Sophia" since they were all there together. Someday- we really need to get them all together again!

Kevin and Kim said...

Glad you didn't have the swine flu and that Jocelyn is better. Sounds like she is talking up a storm!