Thursday, August 13, 2009


Sorry no pictures today. Jocelyn has been keeping me pretty busy the last couple of weeks. She is talking so much more and in 3 or 4 word sentences. She has learned some animal sounds, we are still working on potty training, but most of all we ar e enjoying being together. I received her birth certificate in the mail this past Saturday. It was a great moment to see my name under the title mother. I am still amazed that I have that title at all.

Right now I have swimmers ear in my left ear and let me tell you that it is no fun. It started last Thursday, I went to the doctor on Friday, was in the emergency room on Sunday and back in the doctors office on Monday. I am feeling much better now but still have a wick (basically like a sponge) in my ear as my ear canal has completely swollen shut. I go back to the ENT on Monday and have the wick taken out and so that he can see how my ear is healing.

Jocelyn has a rash on her back and a little bit on her legs. She is really scratching at her back. It is a heat rash, we are putting hydrocortosine cream on it and hopefully it will be gone soon as we are planning to go back to the zoo on Labor Day. She is now wearing 3T clothes. She still soaks up everything like a sponge.

Will post pictures soon I promise

1 comment:

lillian08 said...

Oh my... prayers for your pain. Ear infections are NO FUN! I have had my fair share.
Jocelyn sounds like she's growing like a weed!! A 3T??? Good grief!! What are you feeding her and can you send some my way? Lilli is still in 18 to 24 months... and some of those fall off of her. She's the smallest in her class... my little peanut!
Missing you and hoping you feel better soon. Hope Jocelyn's rash heals up soon too. The zoo sounds like fun!