Sunday, August 16, 2009


The weather was great here on Saturday. Jocelyn and I decided to enjoy it and just have fun!! We blew bubbles, drew on the sidewalk, and threw a ball around. We had a great time!! Doesn't the smile on her face just say it all?? Sorry the pictures are blurry. I had trouble with my camera.

I can throw the ball really high!! I haven't quite mastered catching it though.

Look at me mommy!!

I love to cower (color) with all of these pretty colors.
I have also started something new this week. When I get ready to give Jocelyn her bath at night I go into her room and pick out 3 sets of pajamas and let her choose which one she is going to wear to bed that night. The smile on her face each night is from ear to ear. She just thinks that this is the neatest thing. I think next week I will start this with the clothes she gets to wear during the day.
Potty training is still in progress. We have graduated to big girl panties at home and she has had a few accidents but they are getting fewer and farther between. I do put her in a pullup during nap time and at bedtime still.


Stephanie and Jamie said...

She looks VERY HAPPY playing with her Mama! How exciting about making decisions about clothes! Lily has just started saying "This one or this one" when she picks out her clothes or her panties- which is a big to-do for her. It is so cute! Don't you just love thsi age!

lillian08 said...

Soooo cute! Jocelyn's smile is infectious... and look at her hair grow!