Friday, April 24, 2009

Outside Fun....

The weather here has been beautiful here the last few days. In the upper 70's and lower 80's. Jocelyn and I decided to enjoy it today. We went outside in our front yard and had some fun.

We had to take a breather ...

Let's see how fast I can run mama.

Here she is watching some birds flying.

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy.

We have been pretty sick at our house lately. First I got sick and then Jocelyn got it. Then my mom got it. She got hit the worst. She has been sick for 2 weeks now. She is finally on the road to recovery.
On a side note, Jocelyn is still just getting used to the potty. We have made some progress as she has gone stinky twice on the potty this week. We are gettin there.


Stephanie and Jamie said...

Don't you just love being outside with our girls! Lily loves playing outside, and she seems to take in everything- especially birds, flowers, squirrels- you name it. She is learning so quickly and now she can pretty much say anything. Today, we took her outside, and she said, " Abby go too, Mama?" That is Abby Cadabby, of course. I am just amazed that she knows how to use the word, too, already.
Have fun outside, and I hope everyone gets well really soon!

lillian08 said...

Pretty girl plating outside with Mommy!
And stinkying on the potty!!! BIG GIRL! Lilli has an interest in sitting on the potty, but hasn't made any progress "going". What was your secret???? Please share!
His, Jen