Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dance Recital 2011.......

Jocelyn had her first dance recital on June 25th and June 26 and she had a blast and did a terrific job.  She is in "Tumble Tykes" and they range in age from 3 to 5.  She loved being on stage and said she wants to do it again next year.  Here is her costume, she was going to a slumber party with her friends for her routine.

 Here is her whole costume, isn't she just adorable?

 I don't wear makeup so I had another dancers mother put it on.  Jocelyn didn't like that at all as you can tell by her expression....

She loved to twirl in her costume and make the shirt flare out so she had to show me when I was taking a picture.

 Her tumbling classes resume on August 3rd and she is already wanting to go back so we will have pictures of Dance Recital 2012 in about a year, stay tuned......

We love Melroe's School of Dance !!!!

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