Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dance Recital 2011.......

Jocelyn had her first dance recital on June 25th and June 26 and she had a blast and did a terrific job.  She is in "Tumble Tykes" and they range in age from 3 to 5.  She loved being on stage and said she wants to do it again next year.  Here is her costume, she was going to a slumber party with her friends for her routine.

 Here is her whole costume, isn't she just adorable?

 I don't wear makeup so I had another dancers mother put it on.  Jocelyn didn't like that at all as you can tell by her expression....

She loved to twirl in her costume and make the shirt flare out so she had to show me when I was taking a picture.

 Her tumbling classes resume on August 3rd and she is already wanting to go back so we will have pictures of Dance Recital 2012 in about a year, stay tuned......

We love Melroe's School of Dance !!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Vacation Bible School 2011....

Here she is at snacks, we made "wacky tourist's". Basically a pudding cup that we used candy, sprinkles, etc to make a face in the pudding. I was a helper in snacks this year and boy was it very busy but a lot of fun. The story was about a centurian so they made "armor" with paper sacks.

Here she is in the worship rally at the beginning of VBS every evening. Our theme was the Big Apple so wasn't the shirt that her Aunt Betty and Uncle Phil bought her in New York just perfect?

This is the picture that I took the first night of VBS, after all it was her first VBS and I had to have pictures...

She had a blast and really enjoyed VBS. This will definitely be a yearly tradition. So glad she was able to attend. We had an average of 75 kids each night and up to 83 on our highest night. Praise the Lord !!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Princess Jocelyn....

She wanted to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast for Halloween last year. She loves the Disney princesses. Do you know which one is her favorite??? I will give you a hint, look at the picture below. We went over to our friend TJ's house and went trick or treating after eating sloppy joes and chips. Of course the costume was put on after we got done eating.

I added the yellow shirt just before we left as it was getting pretty cold outside.

I love her smile in the picture below, she looks so grown up. What happened to the baby girl I brought home?

I think that she makes a beautiful princess, don't you???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year and a New Years Resolution....

This picture is from Christmas of 2010. She loved her Veggie Tale Castle, thank you Aunt Betty and Uncle Phil.

One of my many New Year's Resolutions is to post once at least once a week on this blog and I will be posting on Sunday evenings.
Jocelyn has really changed since my last post.
In August she started a tumbling class on Wednesday nights and absolutely LOVES it. She will have her first recital in late June. Incidentally we have met another family who adopted a little girl from China through her tumbling class. Their gotha day is June of 2009. Isn't it a small world?
Jocelyn loves the Disney Princesses and can name all of them. She has pajamas with all of the Princesses and they are the only pajamas she asks to wear. She keeps telling me that she is Princess Jocelyn. What an imagination.
My mom now watches Jocelyn 4 days a week and she goes to an in home day care once a week, that way my mom gets a break and Jocelyn gets some social interaction with other children.
See you next week

Saturday, May 1, 2010

3 year photo shoot.....

I took Jocelyn to Portrait Innovations to have her 3 year pictures taken, as you can see below they do a fantastic job!! I didn't plan well and made the photo shoot for 1:00 in the afternoon (right during her nap time). My 40 year old brain is deteriorating quickly!! She was a live wire not wanting to stay still at all. That just shows you how good they are that the pictures turned out so well!!
Even this picture (I hate having my picture taken) I was really pleased with.

I had to have one in her Chinese New Year outfit. I just loved this picture.

I am just the most behaved little girl. Don't let that grin fool you guys!!

I am going to have all of her pictures done there as I have been very pleased each and every time
P.S. Jocelyn is coming down with a whopper of a cold so please pray for healing and patience for me as I deal with a cranky little girl!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jocelyn's 3rd Birthday party....

Jocelyn's 3rd birthday was April 10 and we had a party at our church. Here Jocelyn and her friends Jaelyn and Celeste are playing ring around the rosie. One of Jocelyn's games. The adults are having fun watching them play.

Here Jocelyn is tasting her birthday cake. It was delicious by the way.

I can't believe that she is 3 already, it was just yesterday that I was in China picking her up wasn't it???

Wasn't the cake so cute???

Two peas in a pod, they played with the balloons for at least 30 minutes. Cheap entertainment don't you think?

Fun was had by all especially the birthday girl. She loved her Happy burtday pahty. Mommy did too!!!
Jocelyn has gone through many changes since I last posted!! She can now count to 15, recognize all of her letters and sing the abc song. The biggest change is how much her vocabulary has grown. She is growing up so fast!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chinese New Year.....

February 14th was Chinese New Year (Year of the Tiger). A good friend of mine Krista found this outfit for Jocelyn at the store where she works.

After church we went to a local Chinese restaurant called North China Dragon and had wonderful Cashew Chicken and Moo Shu Pork and eggrolls.

Her cheesy grin...

Here we are at home before we left to go to church. She is letting me take many more pictures where she is smiling.

I wanted a picture where the whole outfit could be seen. Isn't she CUTE???

I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Just yesterday as I was getting ready to go to work she said "Hugs and tisses, mommy, hugs and tisses" After I gave her her hugs and tisses she then said "Dood day" (good day). Her vocabulary has grown so much in the last few months.
I can see that my daughter is going to keep me on my toes from now on and how I am going to have to watch everything that comes out of my mouth because it may then come out of hers!!