Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doing Mission work...

This past Sunday at church some of the congregation stayed after to decorate the church for Christmas. Jocelyn and I stayed after to help get the food sorted and lined up for our Deacon Baskets (these are baskets of food that we deliver to families that need help). We have done this every year and I decided that Jocelyn needed to start helping with missions that we do as a church as I want her to have a giving heart and to also see how lucky she is. Here she is loading up food in her "shopping cart" to take to the fellowship hall.
Here we are on our way to the fellowship hall with our cart full.

We had to make many trips as we had lots of donations.

Here she is unloading her cart and helping Aunt Betty putting like foods together.

As I said earlier we made MANY trips.

Jocelyn was EXHAUSTED when we were finished and the minute I put her in her carseat she was out like a light and she took a 2 and a half hour nap when we got home. I am so proud of our church and so proud of Jocelyn as she is beginning her mission work.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The leaves have fallen......

A few days before Halloween (as you can tell by the decorations in the background) when we pulled into our driveway the neighbor across the street had raked up all of his leaves in his front yard and had them in a huge pile. His daughter was jumping in them and having a good time. Jocelyn said "eeves, mommy Jocen pay". How could you pass up such a cute request? I couldn't of course. We went across the street and asked if we could play and he said sure. Jocelyn had a blast as you can tell by her smile.

Unfortunately we couldn't play very long as it was pretty chilly outside.

I am queen of leaves!!!

She wasn't so sure what to think of mommy throwing her in the leaves. She wamed up to that quickly though.

Here she is just after mommy threw her in the leaves trying to get back up.

We had a blast and I think that I had more fun than she did. I don't think that I have ever laughed as much as I did just seeing her have fun and her precious smile many, many times

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mommy's Little Pirate.....

For Halloween Jocelyn dressed up as a pirate. We went over to our friend TJ's house. We had mummy dogs (really hot dogs wrapped in pastry dough) Turkey pot pie, and fruit salad in oranges that had Jack-o-lantern faces. We had a really good time.

I had to get one without her mouth open.

After we were done trick-or-treating. We came back to the house and decorated pumpkin shaped cookies. Here is Jocelyn's masterpiece pumpkin.

I hope everyone had a Happy and safe Halloween.