Saturday, January 31, 2009

Outdoor fun.......

Jocelyn and I went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather we had today. It was so much fun. We ran around the front yard and just had a good time. The picture below is my favorite one that I took today. I love how the sun makes her seem like she has a glow about her.

This picture was taken on our front "porch" which is really just a concrete step.

I think that this picture shows off how much hair she has now. It has taken forever but it is growing.

We had to play "chase me mama". I had no problem obliging. I fortunately had my camera at the ready.

We enjoyed our time outside. We shared a lot of laughs and smiles.
I would also like to ask for your prayers for a family that I traveled to China with. They have had to change babysitters as their former sitter is too ill to care for Lily. This is putting stress and worry on her parents and Lily is having some adjustment/seperation issues. Pray for peace and strength for this family and for Lily also.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Please pray for us....

My mom went to the doctor on Jan 13th and was diagnosed with bronchitis and was given an antibiotic and was feeling better. The following Sunday I started getting sick and went to the doctor on Monday and I also had bronchitis and was put on an antibiotic. I took my mom to an urgent care office here this past Sunday and she has bronchitis again. YES AGAIN. Now Jocelyn is starting to have a runny nose and some coughing but so far hers is a cold and not full blown bronchitis. Talk about a family sharing. We have been sharing too much at our house.

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. We are in the year of the OX.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sleepy anyone????

We got Jocelyn 2 new blanket sleepers to wear as it has been really cold here lately. She loves them. I can't believe that we had to buy 2T sizes. They are a little big but not by much. I am amazed at how fast she is growing up. I also think that she is ready to hit a growth spurt as tonight for supper she ate 2 full hot dogs (cut up of course) and 2 small bowls of chips and she drank a full cuppie of milk. Where does she put it all? All I have to do is look at food and I gain 5 pounds.

Jocelyn is now 29 pounds and 2 feet 11 inches tall. We had to weigh her and measure her height when I had her MOCHIP'D this past Satruday. There were so many parents there. Jocelyn got antsy for a little bit but she was pretty good while we were going from station to station. She made me proud (as she does everyday).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cute pictures of Jocelyn.....

I snapped these pictures a few days ago. For some reason Jocelyn decided that she needed to wear a washcloth on top of her head. She was walking around the living room and just decided to put it on her head. Luckily she grabbed a clean washcloth to do it with. Isn't she cute???

Does this add to my outfit mama? The shirt she is wearing is one that I got her for Christmas. I love her in the colors pink and purple!

These pictures were taken this morning in the nursery at church. I love how she looks in red also!!

Hello, is anyone there? This is the first time that she has put the "phone" to her ear and actually "talked" to whoever was on the line.

Can I play with these mama?

Please no more pictures mama, I am trying to eat my snack.
As you can see her hair is finally laying down by itself. She no longer has the finger in the light socket look. HOORAY! HOORAY!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jocelyn's Tidbits......

Just wanted to update you on some things. This Saturday I am going to take Jocelyn to have her MOCHIP'D. What this means is that she is going to have a packet/envelope made in case heaven forbid she were to go missing or become abducted. This is done by the Missouri (MO) child (CH) identification(I) program (P). I think that this is a good idea. It will consist of digital photographs, digital fingerprints, dental bite impressions 2 id cards and child and emergency contact information.

We had our new dryer delivered on Jan 12. Unfortunately it was too wide to fit through the door to the washroom so they had to take it back to Sear's. We went last night and got a different one and made sure that the measurements will work and it will be delivered on Saturday. NO more taking clothes to the laundromat. YEAH!!!

My mom has bronchitis and went to the doctor today and was put on antibiotics so be in prayer that she recovers soon. Hopefully she will be able to get some rest in the next few days also.

We have been working with Jocelyn on telling us what she wants instead of just pointing to it. This has been somewhat of a struggle but tonight for the first time she pointed to her cuppie and said cup also. I was so happy that I started laughing and Jocelyn joined in. As my other blog friends have mentioned she is just like a sponge, soaking everything up.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

21 Months old today.....

I found this poem while waiting for Jocelyn and it spoke to my heart because it is so true. She was "The Chosen One" for me by God. He knew the perfect daughter for me and knew that I was going to have to wait for 4 years to meet her because she hadn't been born yet. I think he was also trying to teach me patience as he knew that as a mom I was going to need lots of it. Believe me Jocelyn was definitely worth the long wait. She is the perfect daughter for me. Thank you God for the gift of Jocelyn's birth 21 months ago today. I will treasure her always.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Like my glasses ?????

Lately Jocelyn has been fascinated with sunglasses. One particular pair of course, hers. She keeps putting them on and then putting them up on her head like I do sometimes. If you ask her where are her glasses she will go and get them for you. She hasn't quite figured out how to put them on the right way but she will be able to soon I know. The picture below was taken this summer. I haven't been able to keep her still long enough to get a good current picture. I just love this picture though. A copy of this picture sits in a frame on my moms desk at home. It is in a I Love My Grandma picture frame of course. Hope this brings a smile to your face as it does mine everytime I look at it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've been tagged.....

I have been tagged by Stephanie one of my blog friends and travel to China sisters. Her blog is listed on the right under my blog list and it is called "Loving Life with Lily" and it goes something like this. I have to post the 4th picture in my 4th picture folder and describe the scene. Well since I only have one picture folder on my computer I am posting the 4th picture from that folder. This picture was taken in October of 2008 at Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch in Riverside Mo. This is the first time Jocelyn had petted or fed an animal other than our 3 dogs (Nutmeg, Sage, and Tarragon). She wasn't quite sure what to think about the animals licking her hand to get the food we had for them. She had a great day and was so tired at the end of the day that she fell asleep as soon as I got her buckled in her car seat. I can't believe how much she has changed in just 3 months since this picture was taken. Thanks Stephanie for tagging me and letting me relive this wonderful moment in my daughters life.

Unfortunately my other blog friends have already been tagged so I will not be able to tag anyone but it was fun and I enjoyed it. I hope everyone has a chance to be "tagged" in the future and gets to relive a cherished moment in their lives.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Jocelyn is fascinated with shoes. Anyone's shoes. She loves putting them on and then immediately taking them off. She also loves to wear Grandma's or my shoes. We usually were ones we can just slip on and off so they are easy for her to wear and walk around in. My mom recently bought a pair of slippers for her and another pair for me. These are what Jocelyn is wearing below. Well only one of them.

She can't figure out why there is a string on the shoe and she is trying to get it off. Maybe she is smarter and is already trying to tie her shoes. Don't grow up so fast. Slow down pleeeeaaasssse.

I can't believe it but today Jocelyn took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I have never known her to take such a long nap. I was actually able to read a few chapters in my new book . Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood. She is a terriffic author if you like romance/mysteries. I highly reccommend her.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Return of the temper tantrums....

Jocelyn had a real knock down drag out temper tantrum today. She was on the floor kicking and screaming and swinging her arms. Where did my sweet little girl to too? Is she hiding in fear of the temper throwing Jocelyn?? The sweet Jocelyn comes out every so often. She can now say wuv u (love you) when I tuck her in at night. She will give hugs and kisses without Grandma or I asking sometimes.

On to some other depressing news. Our dryer gave out this week so I have had to take a couple of loads of laundry to the laundromat. I HATE having to do that. We are going to go look (hopefully buy) a new dryer tomorrow.

I am starting to feel some better and I have a little more energy so I must be on the road to recovery. I have to admit that I am glad it is Friday so maybe I can get some rest this weekend. Yeah right with an almost 21 month old in the house. Not gonna happen I'm afraid.